Luqman Technologies - The Leading Textile and Real Estate Web Design and SEO Company Pakistan Asia Publishes `Why SEO` to your Business`
Released on: May 23, 2008, 9:48 pm
Press Release Author: Luqman - CEO - Luqman Technologies Pakistan Asia
Industry: Management
Press Release Summary: Luqman Technologies Pakistan - The Top SEO Company publishes a new article on Why SEO and Internet Business Marketing is very much important to your business?
Press Release Body: Search Engine Marketing - Search Engine Optimization is Important to your business Google actually relies on our users to help with our marketing. We have a very high percentage of our users who often tell others about our search engine. Understand that you need to sell you and your ideas in order to advance your career, gain more respect, and increase your success, influence and income. The fact is, everyone is in sales. Whatever area you work in, you do have clients and you do need to sell. No matter what your product is, you are ultimately in the education business. Your customers need to be constantly educated about the many advantages of doing business with you, trained to use your products more effectively, and taught how to make never-ending improvement in their lives. If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful. Search engine marketing is the process of using search engine optimization to make sure that your webpage consistently is at the top of the heap when customers and client do an Internet search for terms that are related to your product or service says Mr. Luqman Qadir the CEO of Luqman Technologies - Pakistan. When search engines send out spiders or bots to collect information about different websites that is then used to decide which web pages show up first in search listings these spiders and bots are looking for search engine optimized content, or SEO content. SEO content drives search engine marketing by repeating certain keywords or key phrases a certain number of times. When the search engine spiders and bots pick up those keywords or key phrases then they put that webpage higher in the search listings then pages that donot have SEO content. SEO has become very important to businesses in the last decade because no matter how much you spend on advertising when you are doing business on the Web your webpage needs to be at the top of the search listings page. Search engine marketing can target the major search tools that people use like Google or Yahoo or Msn including the other search engines so that you can be sure your webpage will show up somewhere near the top whenever anyone searches for a keyword or key phrase that is found on your website. SEO content needs to be original though, just copying and pasting the same paragraph over and over would not help you with SEP. The spiders and bots are programmed to not list sites that repeat the same word or the same phrase over and over. So if you were planning on taking one paragraph or one page of content and using that for search engine marketing it would not work. For effective search engine optimization you need to have original SEO content. If you want your website to really be successful good SEM is the key. Lots of companies place online ads and online ads can be effective at reaching particular target markets but when it comes to sheer numbers the highest number of hits that you will get to your site will come from SEO content and using search engine optimization in creative ways to get your webpage listed higher up in the search rankings. Studies have shown that a majority of people will never click past the first page of search results when they search for a certain keyword or phrase so you have to make sure that your webpage is at the top of the search results page in order to get the most visitors to you site who are looking for the product that you sell. Using search engine optimization can be tricky until you get the hang of writing SEO content and using search engine marketing but once you figure out how it all works or hire a professional to show how it all works you'll be amazed at the increase in traffic to your website that you will see. Most companies tend to underestimate themarket strength of their competitors andespecially of new competitors from outsidethe traditional boundaries of the industry. In addition, many companies do a poor jobdeveloping a strong understanding of theunique cultures that exist within eachcountry within which they do business.Many companies tend to stampede into newcultures without taking the time to learnabout those cultures, the differences andsimilarities between the new markets andcountries and the company\'s home country,and other countries in which it operates.The more a company truly understands theunique needs and desires of the newmarket, the more responsive it will be ableto be to that market. Far too many companies develop productsor services for a general -- average -- globalmarket; few develop products for specific, unique domestic market segments as partof an \"umbrella\" global concept. Asurprisingly small number of companieshave top marketing teams that includeexecutives from various countries. And, onlya handful of companies have effectiveprocesses for knowledge transfer acrosscountries. According to Wind, a companyshould be a microcosm of the global market place. The diversity of its ownorganization will help the companyunderstand better the diverse needs, tastesand wants of the global economy. The new business model will no longer bebased on transactions; it will be based onrelationships. Customer and supplier willwork cooperatively together. A company willnot sell products or services; rather, it willprovide solutions to customers\' needs.Competitive advantage will not lie in just acompany\'s marketing power as much as itwill in the quality, finesse, and timing of itsmarketing efforts. The new paradigm will lead to anorganizational culture that reflects theorganizational values and ideally thecharacteristics of successful 21st centuryenterprises. In designing the organizationalarchitecture for firms operating in the globalinformation age, technological competenceis a must, as well as geographical scopeand expertise. This requires the selection,hiring, development, motivation andretention of diverse workforce andstakeholders who are representative ofdifferent parts of the world, sensitive todifferent cultures, and capable of operatingeffectively and comfortably anywhere in theworld, utilizing available informationtechnology tools. The case for change-truly radicalchange-is powerful if companies are toavoid the threats and capitalize on theopportunities of the changing globalinformation age. In a time of dynamicmovements in all aspects of the globalmarketplace, not being market driven andnot acting boldly and rapidly, along thelines suggested by the new marketingstrategy paradigm, is the riskiest decisionof all. Rethinking, reorganizing, andreinventing the future and global marketingstrategies are crucial. Why SEO?
If you still think that having a website alone is enough, you probably miss the boat being found on the top of the search engines and directories. What is the purpose to be ranked 349 in a search engine, makes no sense at all?
Try to key-in a key phrase to find you own website, can you find it in the first page results of search engines? Probably not! Hence, that\'s no problem at least you know now why you need SEO for your website! \"Target the wrong keywords and all your efforts will be in vain.\"
Finding and designing a website is all about targeted key phrases! SEO is much cost effective then any other marketing tool, offline or online! Search engine optimization may be just one part of an online internet marketing strategy, but it is the fundamental part.
It is the baseline says Mr. Luqman Qadir the CEO of Luqman Technologies Pakistan. If you are doing nothing else, search engine placement and keyword related advertising can make up 80 to 90 percent of your traffic.\" Search Engine Optimization will help you:
Explode you sales Dominate your competition Calculate fast ROI Minimize your risk Get superior sales results Best investment for growth
We use only \"Ethical SE Approved Optimization Practices\" says: Mr. Luqman Qadir - The CEO of Luqman Technologies - Pakistan
We remain at your disposal for any information or assistance you may need. Please feel free to contact us.
Kind regards:
Luqman Qadir CEO Luqman Technologies Pakistan Web Design and SEO Solutions Company Pakistan Email: Voice: +92 - 300 - 4329860 Url:
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Contact Details: Luqman Technologies Pakistan Web Design and SEO Solutions Company Pakistan Email: Voice: +92 - 300 - 4329860 Url:
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